Monday, July 25, 2011

Journal 5: “Harness the Power of Technology” NETS-T V

Duncan, A. (2011). Harness the power of technology. Learning and Leading with Technology, 38(8), Retrieved from

Although we live in a world full of technology that we can use in the classroom, for the most part our teaching style has not adapted to these new advances.  The NETS created by ISTE help to hold teachers and students accountable for using and mastering technology.  The state is raising the standards for technology to ensure that students have the skills to succeed in the 21st century, and the teachers need to be ready to meet these standards.

1.  What are the five goals for the federal government to advance the digital classroom?
The students will be engages with the learning and they will be empowered by the learning experience.  Technology will be used for assessment so we can measure what matters.  The teachers will be more prepared and they will be connected to a professional network for support.  Students and teachers will have access to learning infrastructures.  The education system will be transformed and redesigned to use technology to get the most out of teaching and learning experiences.

2.  What are some ways President Obama hopes to help bring all students into the 21st century successfully?
He plans to bring broadband Internet to 98% of the country within the next 5 years.  Also, 7.2 billion dollars have been given from a number of groups to bring internet to unserved areas, to allow internet access during after school hours and to try to bring wireless internet into student’s homes. 

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